HWhy Hypnotherapy is so Effective

Answers to questions about Hypnotherapy and how it works

Posted by Presley Farzam on August 31, 2021

As the percentage of the population suffering from anxiety rises, so does the number of people putting on so-called “covid weight.” Unfortunately, modern medicines solutions for these problems aren’t particularly effective, healthy, or long-lasting. People take medications with tons of side effects, only to lessen their symptoms rather than fix their issues. Others restrict themselves from consuming many of the nutrients they need so that they may lose weight, only to gain it back once their diet is over. For these reasons and many more, people are being drawn toward hypnotherapy as a solution for their physical and mental health issues.

Most people’s understanding of hypnosis is limited to phony stage hypnosis and stories of people quitting smoking in just one session. While the latter pays credit to the true power of hypnosis, the former has tarnished the name of a true science, causing it to be falsely labeled “fake” and “pseudoscience.” Hypnotherapy has been found to be 93% effective in as few as 6 sessions, according to a psychotherapy study by Alfred A. Barrios, Ph.D. published in American Health Magazine, Volume 7. When compared to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy’s 72% effectiveness in 22 sessions and traditional Psychoanalysis’ 38% effectiveness in 600 sessions, hypnotherapy comes out as the clear winner as the most effective form of therapy. Such startling statistics leaves the average reader with many questions regarding both hypnotherapy and it’s partner, Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Below are some of the most common questions and their answers.

What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is, in short, the therapeutic use of hypnosis. It has long been known to be an effective solution for confidence, stress, reaching goals, and building/breaking habits. Though the American Medical Association took till 1958 to approve it, hypnotherapy has always been and continues to be effective, solution-based, and backed by evidence. The unconscious (or subconscious) mind was discovered as early as 1567, yet most people still don't know how to work with it. The unconscious mind is the source of attitudes, behaviors, beliefs, body functions, emotions, habits, motivation, and self-talk. It runs patterns that it has learned to keep our heart beating, our body breathing, and it takes over whenever we don't pay attention to what we're doing. That's how we can drive a car or play an instrument without truly being aware of every little action, a.k.a. on "autopilot." Therefore, the majority of problems or issues we experience begin at the unconscious level. Many of the patterns and beliefs that we've learned aren't working for our benefit. By learning to make our unconscious patterns and beliefs conscious, we can begin to change them and become the person we want to be. When we decide to make a change, such as exercising regularly, quitting smoking, or even loving ourselves, we often fail at doing so because our unconscious mind isn't on board. By reducing the critical faculty, also known as the mental filter, we are able to get our unconscious mind to absorb the suggestions we've been trying to put in all along.

What is it Like to be Hypnotized?

The state of hypnosis, or trance, is a deeply relaxed state. It is similar to deep states of meditation. When you first wake up, you are in a state of light trance. Even deep concentration, such as on a book or movie, is a state of trance. So, hypnosis feels like being very relaxed and focused. Don't expect to feel hypnotized or out of control. You are entirely in control and can choose to get up at any point. You will only say or do what you want to do and you will only accept suggestions that are in line with your conscious beliefs or ideals.

How Long Does Hypnotherapy Take?

How many sessions it takes to achieve a goal is highly dependent on how dedicated the client is. Therefore, many hypnotherapists don’t take clients that aren't completely interested in and dedicated to results. It normally takes 1-6 sessions to work on a specific thing (depending on the scope of the issue). Most sessions take about an hour, but some clients may choose to go really deep and spend two or three hours exploring their issue and creating change

How is Hypnotherapy Different From Traditional Therapy?

he major difference is that hypnotherapy is solution-based, whereas traditional therapy is problem-based. In traditional therapy, patients are often encouraged to talk about their problems and "get it all out." Unfortunately, that approach takes a long time, is usually ineffective, and only works for some people. In hypnotherapy, with the help of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, the therapist and client focus on the structure of the problem, how the client thinks about it, and how to change their thinking/the structure to make the problem easily solvable. Unlike a traditional therapist, hypnotherapists are not there to "fix" you. Their goal is to teach you to help yourself. They are no more than a guide or a practitioner.

What is NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Coaching?

Many hypnotherapists are also trained and certified in NLP because of how well it plays into the healing and growth process of hypnotherapy. Coaching is a process of helping people strengthen their ability to achieve their goals and change their life. A NLP Coach guides people toward discovering what changes they want to make and how to make them. What makes a NLP Coach different from a traditional coach is that a traditional coach works with the conscious mind and an NLP Coach works with the conscious mind, unconscious mind, and model of the world. That's because we believe clients already have all the resources they need inside them and it's not our job to make them know or see things the way we do. The reason it is so important to bring in the unconscious mind is the difference between just deciding what you want to do (working with your conscious) and actually doing it (working with your unconscious). Gaining insight into and control over your internal, mental, and emotional processes is the greatest development one can make.

Hopefully your questions have been answered and you are motivated to see if hypnotherapy is right for you, if so or if you have any more questions, feel free to call me at +1 (310) 444-6344. I, Presley Farzam, am a highly certified and experienced Hypnotherapist and NLP Practitioner. My mission is to guide people toward dealing with their anxiety in healthy ways, fixing their core issues, and becoming the highest version of themself. Thank you for reading.